Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Growing Up and Hearts Day!

Well, it's official: I'm growing up. Today I sent in my first application for an apartment. I can't remember exactly what the form is called, but I think it was an application. It cost some money and the managers at the building are going to run a background check on me and my future roommate (not Matt, although maybe in a year or two it will be Matt :P). The apartment we are trying to get is pretty sweet, in our opinion, and I can't wait to hear if we get it or not (we really hope so, obviously) and will be here to share it with you as soon as I know!

On another page of my story, Matt and I had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We gave each other cards and gifts. We both made some sort of food for the other: I gave him some sweetly addicting peanut butter and Nutella cookies while he gave me white chocolate covered fruit (pineapple, strawberries, and raspberries), which I am currently picking at making my hands quite sticky! He also got me a huge card that talked about the past year and a half we have been together and was really touching and made me super happy! Finally, his sister got us Wonder Woman and Batman little plushies which are freaking ADORABLE!!! I mean seriously, they are so cute! We went to Olive Garden for dinner, which is pretty much our go to for our fancy dates because the service, wine, and food there is delicious! We then went to Half-Price Books (guess whose idea that was :D) and went back to his house to hang out. It was really a wonderful night! I always have so much fun with him and I was so glad that I got to spend Hearts Day (well, technically, Saturday since we both worked all day/until 1030pm on Friday) with Matt as my Valentine!

How were your Hearts Days?

Sara :)

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