Saturday, March 29, 2014

How To Get Rid of Stuff

Through this process of moving, I've run into a bunch of stuff that I either don't need anymore or don't want. The question is now: what to do with it all? Well, for that I have a few ideas!
The largest amount of stuff that I'm getting rid of are cloths and books. Granted, I just went through my cloths when I moved back home after college, but even since then I've changed my collection enough that it matters and shows a bit. A new job with a different sort of wardrobe does that to a person.
Anyways, one of my favorite ways of getting 'rid' of stuff is donations. Around the area I live, we have Goodwill and St. Vincent de Paul. Which are both second hand places that will take most everything, especially clothing. I know St. Vinnys will also take kitchen and other knick knacks. They always appreciate donations of any size and the people who use the stuff after you will also appreciate the things you drop off as much as you will appreciate being able to get rid of it.
If you have too many books, more if you ran out of room or are looking to share your books with other people, a great place to do that around us is Half-Price Books, which buys books, CDs, movies, games comics, manga (two separate things!!), and some audiobooks. Now, places like these are not a place to go if you are looking to make a boat-load of money, but Half-Price Books will purchase your things from you at a small rate. While this is no money-making business, it is a great way to get rid of extra things around your house.
A better money making way would be hosting a garage sale. The season for these seems to be early and late summer, at least by us. However, this really is a hit and miss type of endeavor, and is largely based on where your house/condo is located and how many people drive by looking for stuff.
A final way to change up your inventory is by having an exchange with friends. I know some of my cloths I have gotten as hand-me-downs from friends who never or hardly wore the item due to its style or some other aspect. Just spend a day going through each others closets and finding things that you are willing to part with and laying them out for others to browse through.
It is tough letting go of your belongings, especially cloths and books because so many of them have a special meaning to each of us. But what must be done, must be done if just for the sake of someone else enjoying them.
How do you get rid of the extra junk around your adobe?

Also, update: WE OFFICIALLY MOVED!!!! The new place looks great and I can't wait to share it with you al in pictures once it gets together :D Yay!!!

Sara :)

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