Monday, September 30, 2013

Musica Monday

For the past two weeks or so, one of my best friends has been dealing with a tough breakup with her army boyfriend of two years. He's finally coming home from Mississippi, and they got into an argument (which has happened before...) and it doesn't look like it will get solved this time. My friend has been trying to get ahold of him but to no avail, and has been asking me in turn what she should do. I'm not the best with this type of things especially since I was not a big fan of how he treated her lots of the time during the pie relationship, but he made her happy, so he became OK in my book.
Anyways, I've been listening to my new CDs lately and there is a song by a group called Lillix that made me think of my friend's situation. When we are going through hard times, whether it be a tough breakup or a death in the family or just someone leaving, we all get a bit of an empty feeling inside. Or is that just me? Well, if you agree you should listen to this next song by Lillix called  "Tomorrow". I think it completely addresses many issues that have to do here. I should also say that this is not my favorite song of theirs but it is the first that I heard which means that it does have a special place in my heart (kinda like your first Doctor....oh wait....I'm being a nerd again :P).

Also, I tried to post this last week but apparently I failed...I'm super sorry about that!!

Sara :)

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