Thursday, January 3, 2013


And we are back at school. Well, I am at least. The last Winter/Holiday Break of my undergraduate career is over....that's a slap in the face. That means that I'm almost done and I really need to have fun this January term (interim/J-term) and upcoming semester (which starts in February). In essence, I'm back on campus, not quite unpacked fully yet, still have about half my clothing to unpack and about all of my food to unpack...progress? Anywho! Just wanted to say that I am still alive! :D And tomorrow marks the start of the last January term!!! I will update you tomorrow, when I am more awake and have a cappuccino or oatmeal (yes I still eat it) in my system!
I am also playing with the idea of thank you cards for some people who got me particularly memorable gifts, or who I think deserve one (for instance my parentals who have honestly gotten too few thank you notes and letters from me in the past!).
Also, it's time for me to start working out more regularly since I don't have finals to keep me from keeping in shape :P I have been quite lazy in the past two months or so since Thanksgiving, and I really could use some daily exercise in my routine. I'm hoping to get up to my 5K possibility again by then end of this month, or next month if it turns out this class is more work that I was prepared for.
That's just a quick update :) I hope that the new year has started out well for all of you! :D
Sara :)

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